The library has access to the articles by Russian and foreign publishing houses, universities, and other academic institutions.

To have a full access to all our services, please follow one of these requirements:

  • be connected to My Loft
  • work from the local ITMO network
  • use a VPN (to install, the instructions as follows)
if you have any difficulties with connection, please feel free to contact helpdesk@itmo.ru
for issues with digital catalogs, please write to library@itmo.ru
My Loft
is the manager for working with electronic resources
Your library is now just a click away!

  • Remote access to databases via a single login and password
  • Personal resources' collections
  • Searching across all ITMO databases
  • Built-in searching in Google Scholar, Semantic Scholar and Google Patents
  • Notifications about new articles
  • Mobile app for Android and iOS
ITMO resources
Provides the composition and content of the printed collection, searching for information and books
Open base of scientific works of ITMO University
Database of educational and teaching materials published by ITMO
Permanent Membership
A project that allows you to access free digital and audio books of any genre
The largest electronic library of business literature in the Russian language

Registration via @itmo and @niuitmo domains

The largest polythematic database which includes the content of hundreds of publishers of scientific, educational literature and scientific periodicals
Educational literature from the publishers KnoRus, Rusains, and SCIENTIFIC WORLD. The basic collection of textbooks, monographs, and periodicals is available, including journals listed in the Higher Attestation Commission List

Books on programming languages, self-study guides on web design, graphics, 3D modeling, website development, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Microsoft Excel, and many others

An educational platform for electronic access to tutorials and textbooks. Here you find unique services for creating courses, providing classes and students evaluation for higher and professional education
The only system that provides a full package of tutorials and textbooks for the specialty "сustoms business". Sections "public catering" and "hospitality" provide manuals for tourism
Коллекция электронных версий книг, журналов, статей, сгруппированных по тематическим и целевым признакам, в том числе виртуальные лабораторные практикумы

*необходима регистрация

The Excellence in Science Collection includes our highly regarded science journals at a 15% discount and is by far our bestselling package. It is suitable for universities and institutions with research and teaching in biology, physics, chemistry, engineering, mathematics and life sciences

Full-text journal Science Online, which publishes news, research, commentary and reviews from various fields of science - natural sciences, materials science, economics, life sciences, sociology, history and philosophy of science and education

Full-text journals in physical chemistry, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, and materials science.
One of the leading publishers in the field of Physics, with an ever-expanding portfolio of Open Access journals
A full-text collection of selected peer-reviewed journals of the American Mathematical Society, which includes 6 journals and provides a wide coverage of research topics in all areas of fundamental, applied mathematics and computational mathematics
A collection of the American Mathematical Community (AMS) that holds, carefully selected and constantly updated bibliographic information, as well as reviews of published research and scientific literature on maths
Database from Chemical Abstracts Service. One of the largest and most comprehensive sources of data on
biosequences and biological activities of chemical compounds, integrated with the
The world's most comprehensive collection of chemical reactions, substances, and indexed scientific

Registration via domains

@itmo.ru, niuitmo.ru and @scamt-itmo.ru

Comprehensive database of scientific information including English-language resources published in China. This is a platform for universal access to scientific data in mathematics, chemistry, biology, computer science, medicine, management, etc
A full-text collection of journals. The content of the database provides extensive coverage in disciplines including chemistry, physics, engineering, agriculture, veterinary medicine, provision science, medicine, nursing, dentistry, life sciences, psychology, business, economics, social sciences, arts, humanities
Full-text archival collection of electronic journals from Wiley, covering the years 2005-2013 and including over 1500 titles. The collection spans various disciplines, including chemistry, physics, mathematics, engineering, social and humanities sciences, agriculture, veterinary science, food industry and technology, medicine, nursing, dentistry, psychology, life sciences, business, economics, and law
A database of full-text journals, books, and conference proceedings on optics and photonics from the Optica Publishing Group (formerly OSA). Also on the platform are publications covering other disciplines, including physics, engineering, biomedicine, and telecommunications
The patent search database. It contains not only registered patents, but also documents from the application stage to registration. Most of the documents contain annotations in English, the full texts of the documents are given in the original language

Registration is not required to work

A full-text collection that includes international peer-reviewed journals in various fields of knowledge, such as gerontology, anthropology, archaeology, art, medicine, law, geography, physics, international relations, politics, sociology
A polythematic database that includes publications of scientific, technical and medical content, as well as publications on humanities, social sciences, psychology, economics and law
Electronic libraries that contains almost a third of all modern world literature on electrical engineering, communications and computer science
A full-text collection of theoretical and applied publications on Optics and Photonics, including articles from journals and conference materials
A multidisciplinary, full-text journal collection on mathematics, physics, computer science, engineering, life sciences, medicine, and social sciences
The collection includes the journals "Proceedings of the Russian Academy of Sciences," "Mathematical Collection," and "Advances in Mathematical Sciences"
Full-text collection of journals, comprising 140 titles, covering various scientific specialties
The leading Russian scientific monthly journal in the field of lasers and their applications, as well as on related topics
Open Access

Elsevier's leading information platform. Over 14 million papers from 2,500 scientific journals and over 37,000 books. Abstracts are available free of charge. Journals are divided into: physical and engineering sciences, natural sciences, medical sciences, social sciences and humanities

The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) on the ACM Digital Library platform provides open access to the archive of materials spanning 50 years (1951-2000). This archive includes not only over 117,500 articles covering a wide range of computer-related topics but also datasets, software, slides, audio recordings, and videos

The portfolio of The Royal Society of Chemistry includes 12 "gold" open-access journals. In addition, all society journals are hybrid, allowing open-access materials to be published. Subject area: chemical sciences

Free database of chemical structures, providing quick access to more than 100 million structures, properties and related information

The portfolio of Wiley includes around 230 "gold" open-access journals and more than 1300 hybrid journals publishing articles in the following thematic areas: architecture, astronomy, agriculture, medicine, mathematics, physics, law, ecology, economics, and others
Digital database of full-text scientific journals (in various European languages) as well as books (humanities, English only)

The publisher's portfolio includes 135 journals publishing articles on medical topics

The publisher's portfolio includes over 1600 publications and 18,540 chapters in the fields of humanities, social sciences, behavioral sciences, regional studies, politics and international law, economics and finance, environmental studies, geography, education, arts, computer science, medicine, and more
The publisher publishes open-access articles in all 2300 subscription-based journals, covering a wide range of scientific fields: history, cultural studies, education, politics, law, economics, finance, business, religion, philosophy, physical sciences, life sciences, earth, agriculture, engineering, computer science, sports, tourism, and many others
Open access to a wide collection of medical journals
An abstract mathematical journal whose purpose is to collect, systematize, publish, and disseminate bibliographic data and abstracts of books and articles dealing with all sections of mathematics and its applications in computer science, mechanics, and physics
RS Global is an international scholarly publisher focusing on the following modern scientific fields: medicine, technical sciences, social sciences, transportation, and economics
Уникальный и обширный каталог разнообразных журналов с открытым доступом со всего мира
Open access publisher of peer-reviewed scientific articles across the entire spectrum of academia

Access to the full texts of scientific journals of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS)

Information and Analytical tools

The largest Russian information-analytical portal in science, technology, medicine and education, containing abstracts and full texts of more than 38 million scientific publications and patents, including electronic versions of more than 5600 Russian scientific and technical journals, of which more than 4800 are open access

A bibliographic database, as well as a database of research grants, that links grants to associated publications, clinical trials, and patents

The database is filled with metadata from open sources and obtained directly from copyright holders
The service is supplemented with information from open sources and maintains a database with 5 types of objects: works (publications), authors, institutions, venues, and concepts

An open database containing information about publications and patents

A free service that combines the functionality of a scientific citation index and a search engine. The database is supplemented with information from open sources and directly provided by journal publishers

French scientific archive. Encompasses all fields of science. The text is typically comparable to an article in a peer-reviewed scientific journal. While there is no formal peer review, the texts undergo a cursory review

An open-access electronic archive for scientific articles and preprints in physics, mathematics, astronomy, computer science, biology, electrical engineering, statistics, financial mathematics, and economics. Articles are not peer-reviewed before publication but undergo an initial check by moderators

Recources must be used for the purpose of science and education. Not for transfering to third parties.