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Books on programming languages, self-study guides on web design, graphics, 3D modeling, website development, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Microsoft Excel, and many others
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The Excellence in Science Collection includes our highly regarded science journals at a 15% discount and is by far our bestselling package. It is suitable for universities and institutions with research and teaching in biology, physics, chemistry, engineering, mathematics and life sciences
Full-text journal Science Online, which publishes news, research, commentary and reviews from various fields of science - natural sciences, materials science, economics, life sciences, sociology, history and philosophy of science and education
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Elsevier's leading information platform. Over 14 million papers from 2,500 scientific journals and over 37,000 books. Abstracts are available free of charge. Journals are divided into: physical and engineering sciences, natural sciences, medical sciences, social sciences and humanities
The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) on the ACM Digital Library platform provides open access to the archive of materials spanning 50 years (1951-2000). This archive includes not only over 117,500 articles covering a wide range of computer-related topics but also datasets, software, slides, audio recordings, and videos
Free database of chemical structures, providing quick access to more than 100 million structures, properties and related information
The publisher's portfolio includes 135 journals publishing articles on medical topics
Access to the full texts of scientific journals of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS)
The largest Russian information-analytical portal in science, technology, medicine and education, containing abstracts and full texts of more than 38 million scientific publications and patents, including electronic versions of more than 5600 Russian scientific and technical journals, of which more than 4800 are open access
A bibliographic database, as well as a database of research grants, that links grants to associated publications, clinical trials, and patents
An open database containing information about publications and patents
French scientific archive. Encompasses all fields of science. The text is typically comparable to an article in a peer-reviewed scientific journal. While there is no formal peer review, the texts undergo a cursory review
An open-access electronic archive for scientific articles and preprints in physics, mathematics, astronomy, computer science, biology, electrical engineering, statistics, financial mathematics, and economics. Articles are not peer-reviewed before publication but undergo an initial check by moderators
- you can hand in books earlier by putting them into the Archive folder.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society series A and Proceedings of the Royal Society series A — influential subject journals in the Physical, Mathematical and Engineering sciences
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society series B и Proceedings of the Royal Society series B — leading journals of Biological Research of the Royal Society
Biology Letters is focused on publishing short, high-quality research articles, reviews and opinions in the Biological Sciences
Journal of the Royal Society Interface and Interface Focus are devoted to thematic issues covering interdisciplinary research at the intersection of Physical Sciences and Life Sciences
Notes & Records — Science History journal
Open Biology — open access journal publishing research in Molecular and Cellular Biology
Royal Society Open Science — an open journal publishing high-quality research in all areas of science, Technology and Mathematics
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