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  • get acquainted with the best collections from leading domestic and foreign publishing houses in all branches of scientific knowledge;

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Register a campus card with a librarian or coworking administrator and use it as a library card to enjoy all the opportunities!
Library of
more than a library
Why does eLIBARARY have two identifiers?
One more tool for quantifying the effect of scientific journals.
This database can compete with Google Scholar. Read how it works and what are its benefits over other open resources.
We keep writing about authors’ profiles and identifiers in various scientific citation databases. The message below is about the ResearcherID tool.
In the text below we will discuss the reference manager Zotero.

ORCID ID is a digital identifier which helps linking papers from a wide range of sources to your author's profile, so it makes your CV shine brighter than ever!

You will learn about the types of access to the documents you can find in databases, the types of open access and the ways to distinguish them.
In the message below we consider one of the most widespread scientific metrics used to rate journals.
In the message below we will learn how to install and work with the Mendeley manager, where it can be useful, and how to maximize its benefits.

In the message below we will analyze how to address the issue that every researcher faces.

We will discuss how this indicator is calculated and why it is significant for every journal.
In the message below we learn how Semantic Scholar, a deep semantic searching system, works and how we can maximize its benefits.

SCIMago Journal Rank (SJR): what it means and where to find it.
In the message below we will see the advantages and disadvantages of searching for scientific information in Google Scholar and learn how to maximize the benefits from its free tools.
In the text below we will discuss the types of reviewing, where to find a reviewer, and how do reviewers benefit.
We explain how Open Access works and how to maximize the advantages of the database free content.
The post below will give you the complete information you need to know as a researcher who wants to use their author’s features on the eLIBRARY platform.
From the message below you will learn how to calculate and analyze one of the most significant indicators, the h-index.
The present post is about the main functions of an author’s profile in the famous abstract and citation database Scopus.
Here we discuss the eLIBRARY and all the related projects.
This time we share the information about the resources that facilitate the choice of a journal for publication
If you are an Elsevier journal's reviewer, we share it with you here how to get 30 days full access to Scopus for each review you've written.
This time we consider the most important identifier, without which even a perfect article has no future in the international academic community.
If you want to have a wider range of journals for a potential publication, besides the well known European and American sources, we can suggest another method of analyzing the information available
Until October 15, the testing access to journals published by Global Science Press is available for ITMO University staff and students
The current information about how Scopus works in 2023 in Russia