ITMO Authors

Author's profile in Scopus: main functions

What is an author's profile in Scopus?

An account in Scopus is a unique profile that registers a researcher's publishing activity. The information is provided by the papers indexed in Scopus, where the researcher is one of the authors.
The profile includes the following data:
  • author's name;
  • affiliated institution(s);
  • study field (s);
  • related documents;
  • citations;
  • co-author(s).
The profile does not refer to any editorial, managerial, executive or educational positions of the researcher.

Why is having an author's profile in Scopus important?

An author's Scopus profile ensures the visibility of the author's papers to other scholars, librarians, and academic boards . On the other hand, it provides the academic community with reputable information about the author's publishing activity.

What is the Scopus Author ID

The Scopus Author ID is a unique number that relates an author to a group of documents. The documents that cannot be adequately associated with a particular author are grouped separately. In the latter case, there can be multiple profiles for the same researcher.
Similar identifiers are available from Web of Science (Researcher ID) and other academic social networks.
These identifiers are among the main types of metadata along with, for example, DOI. The unique researcher’s ID in the abstract databases is a tool for analyzing the information about the scientist’s publication activity while making up for variability in the spelling of the author's full name, namesakes, transliteration or eventual errors in paper indexing.

How are affiliations indicated in an author's profile

The information about an author’s affiliations is among the most frequently requested . In the Scopus profile, it is formed as follows:
  • based on the institutions specified in the articles;
  • taking into account the paper publication date;
  • authors themselves can make changes though the Author Feedback Wizard, selecting from the affiliations specified in their articles attached to their profile. Please note that it is impossible to choose an affiliation that is not indicated in an author's paper.
Изображение выглядит как текст, снимок экрана, Шрифт, число

Автоматически созданное описание
The specific functions and the possibilities of editing an author's Scopus profile will be discussed in the further messages.
Unfortunately, only Scopus subscribers have access to the full version of the author's profile. For users from Russia, the Scopus Preview mode is currently available, which we described in detail earlier.