ITMO Authors

Web of Science ResearcherID

Web of Science ResearcherID is a unique identifier that links the author's profile to papers on the Web of Science platform (Web of Science, Publons, and InCites) and provides the international academic community with access to the information about an author.

What is ResearcherID?

  • automatically created author's profile in the Web of Science Core Collection
  • self-created profile (for the users who do not have any research papers published)
Researchers can confirm the system-generated author's profile or add papers to the selt-created profile.
You can learn about authors’ profiles and identifiers in other systems from our earlier texts: Scopus Author ID, SPIN-code in eLIBRARY and ORCID.
Web of Science ResearcherID provides the following benefits:
  • addressing issues related to the author identification;
  • ensuring that papers are adequately linked to the author’s profile in the Web of Science system;
  • adding current citation metrics from the Web of Science Core Collection and other metadata to the author’s profile in Publons, Web of Science, InCites and other databases;
  • keeping ORCID updated though the ResearcherID connection.
ResearcherID is fully integrated with Web of Science collections, Publons and InCites profiles, and can be to ORCID, so the academic community could correctly identify a paper’s authorship.
The image below shows what the author's profile on the Web of Science platform looks like.
To work with an author’s profile in Web of Science follow the three simple steps:
1.Login and manage your profile
Refer to webofscience.com and use your account from Web of Science or Publons. If you are not registered, create an account.
2.Add publications and reviews, edit the information in the author's profile.
Once logged in, use the menu on the left to edit your profile.
3.Link the profile with your ORCID account.
You can update both profiles in just one place on the platform. If you have already linked your Publons account with ORCID, you do not have to do this again.
You can find additional tutorials for using Web of Science ResearcherID on the Clarivate website. Please also refer to our earlier text to read more about the Web of Science features that remain available.