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How and where to view journals by the publisher country

If you want to have a wider range of journals for a potential publication, besides the well known European and American sources, we can suggest another method of analyzing the information available. To illustrate it, we use Chinese journals which are indexed in Scopus and Web of Science as an example.
  1. Consult the website SJR that shows the journal's ranking. There is a special country filter. You can also see the SJR metrics and the journal's quartile there.
Изображение выглядит как календарь

Автоматически созданное описание
  1. Clicking on the particular journal, the retrospective of values and quartiles SJR is available. This can also be useful.
Whether the source is indexed in Scopus for now or not, can be proved in Scopus Preview (the only available version of Scopus in Russia).
If the indexing has been terminated, there is a remark "coverage in Scopus terminated" in the field "Scopus coverage years”.
The complete list of filtered journals in the excel format can be downloaded from the website scimagojr.com for further use.
The downloaded list can be compared according to the Sourcerecord ID field with the current list of Scopus sources loaded from Scopus Preview. You will also see some additional information there. For example, apply the filter "language" to the file to see all the journals in English.
Web of Science
All the Indexes of the Web of Science Core Collection with the publisher address are available to download in the Master Journal List. Thus, it is possible to filter the journals by the country of interest. The language field is also helpful.
All the currently valid lists of Chinese journal are attached to this message
Journals Tools